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Writing a Partner Visa Relationship Statement

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

We always recommend to our clients that they write a partner visa relationship statement, and now that you have created your timeline and gathered your evidence this is the ideal time to start. The statement should cover the following:

  • How, when and where you first met

  • How the relationship developed

  • When you became engaged or married, if applicable

  • Joint activities

  • Periods of separation

  • Significant events in the relationship

  • Your future plans together

Like all relationships, there is no right or wrong way to do this, but you must start, so here are the tips that I give my clients.

Step 1. Set aside some time when you will not be distracted

Step 2. Get a bottle of wine.

Step 3. Have a sip.

Step 4. Enjoy writing it. It is not an exam.

As a registered migration agent I have read a lot of these statements, some serious, some funny, some handwritten, some typed, One as a powerpoint (too much time involved here I think as I had to PDF it to attach it losing all the cool automation).

I have had clients where one partner wrote the whole statement and the other signed it (the lazy way I think, but it works). Another where each wrote their own. And another where each person wrote their own statement based on the timeline one after the other. This was one of my favorites'. It went a little like this.

Airport clapper board


I was doing my regional work in this tiny and horrible outback town when we all decided to leave the hostel for the local pub. It was not only dirty and had a foul smell but there were some shearers that had obviously come straight from work.

One of them “John” was so drunk he wouldn’t stop trying to use these horrible pick up lines. Eventually, we started to loosen up and play pool with the shearers and we did have a good time. For some reason, I agreed to go on a date with John the next day and one of the girls I was with would not let me back out.


(and keep in mind he is a sheep shearer): We were relaxing in our local establishment after a tough week in the office when a

glamour sent from the gods walked through the door. Our eyes met and I could see she was as attracted to me as I to her. I casually wandered over to her and seduced her with my charm. We have been together ever since.

"You see, there is no right or wrong way to write a statement of relationship. It just needs to be honest and focused on you as a couple.
Finally, it is also a very good idea to proofread your statement but take yourself out of the picture. Imagine you are the case of icer and consider any holes or irregularities that a critical person might exploit in order to refuse your application.
This final check will allow you to consider any weaknesses that you might have. Particularly with the 4 factors."

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