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Active Migration Australia


Successful Migration for a Family from South Africa

Seeking a better life and opportunities in Australia can be a daunting task. However, this family was determined to make a new start.

Chloe Dlamini   SOUTH AFRICA

Seeking a better life and opportunities in Australia can be a daunting task. However, this family was determined to make a new start.

                    All everyone want is the best life possible for their children, and we are no different. We love our South African roots, but Australia is now most certainly where we call home.

A family of four, residing in South Africa, was seeking a better life and opportunities in Australia. The process of migrating to a new country, especially with children, can be a daunting task. However, this family was determined to make a new start and reached out to Active Migration for assistance. As a registered MARA Migration Agent, they were confident in our ability to guide them through the process.


With years of experience, our team analysed their situation and determined that a skilled visa would be the best option. Both Chloë, a Registered Nurse, and Thomas, an Ultrasound Technician, were excellent candidates for the skilled visa process. Our team assisted the family in understanding the requirements and determined the best way to proceed with their application.


The family had many questions and concerns about the visa process and their eligibility, but our team was there to answer all of their queries and provide the necessary information. With our help, the family was able to gather all the required documents and complete the visa application with ease. Chloë was shocked at how easy we made it - a good friend of her’s did the same thing a few years perviously - a situation that was described as a ‘nightmare’. 


Fast forward to today, the family is now happily settled on the sunny Gold Coast in Australia and is enjoying a better quality of life. Their family of four is thriving, they live is a beautiful home just 15 minutes drive to the beach! They are grateful for the support and guidance provided by Active Migration during the visa process and are now creating new memories. They fly back to SA once a year to catch up with family. 

In conclusion, our team was able to help this family navigate the complex requirements for a skilled visa and successfully settle in Australia. With our help, the family was able to start their new life in Australia without any stress or worries. We are proud to have played a role in their journey to a better life.